Ansen's Journey

February 21, 2019

Ansen's Journey." This collection draws inspiration from my adorable daughter, Ansen, initially intended as a record and a tribute to her growth. It has now evolved into a series predominantly centered around the theme of plants.

Ansen Diary 0.1

The Intent Behind the Series:

This journey began with the profound emotions of motherly love, aiming to document and share the fleeting moments of Ansen's growth.

Ansen Dairy 0.2

From Figures to Flora:

As time progressed, I introduced elements of plants into this series. Plants, much like our lives, undergo the processes of growth, blossoming, and withering. This transformation adds a universal aspect to the artworks, portraying not only the story between my daughter and me but also reflecting contemplation on life, nature, and personal development.

Every Flower, Every Leaf:

Each flower and leaf in Ansen's Journey extends from my emotions, expressing her unique personality. Through the symbolism of plants, I attempt to convey the resilience of life, the beauty of nature, and the delicate connection between us and the natural world.

The Cozy Kitchen under Candlelight:

One day, I discovered a unique and heartwarming scene in our kitchen bathed in candlelight. The warmth illuminated by the candles, coupled with the subtle aroma filling the air, created a delightful ambiance akin to a wonderful candlelit dinner. This scene becomes a special interlude in the series, representing the warmth and laughter of family and acting as a wellspring of inspiration in my creative process.

Warm Elements:

The series incorporates numerous warm elements, akin to sowing seeds of coziness within a home. From gentle color tones to intricate detailing, each artwork exudes an atmosphere of tranquility and comfort. The intertwining of plants with the home environment creates a space filled with love and serenity.

The Power of Art:

Throughout this journey, I deeply feel the unique power of art. It is not merely a tool for expressing emotions but also a medium for contemplation and resonance. Ansen's Journey has become a canvas for contemplating life, family, and the beauty of nature, with the hope of evoking resonance deep within the hearts of viewers.

Botanical journey 0.1

Future Explorations:

Ansen's Journey continues to unfold, evolving with the passage of time. I look forward to exploring new themes, using my brush to capture more beautiful moments in life, and sharing this warm and profound journey with viewers.