Hello Claire- Seven Twenty -four 0.1-0.3

February 21, 2019

The responsibilities and expectations centered around family seem like an endless battle, with each day dedicated to the efforts of taking care of the household. However, in this process, I find myself gradually losing touch with my own identity, as if submerged in an infinite sea, struggling to breathe. Home should be a place of warmth and comfort, yet why do I struggle to find my own space within it?

The early morning wake-ups at four, the challenges of breastfeeding, relentless resume submissions, seizing every opportunity for change – all symbolize my desperate efforts. In the depths of my thoughts, I yearn to depict the version of myself breaking free in a certain moment, turning her into artwork as motivation.

Yet, I ponder: what brings me shame? Is it the expectations of a traditional family? The responsibilities of a young mother? The process of pregnancy? The moment of childbirth? The endless household chores? Or the distancing from friends due to depressive moods? I realize that I am a product of this era, shaped by the elements around me. Why can't I express myself? Thus, I decide to start from here, rebuilding the elements that made me collapse, step by step towards a better version of myself.

This photo was taken in the maternity ward of North Shore Hospital in Auckland. 09.12.2022

In this challenging journey, I've gained valuable experiences and would like to share them with those also seeking self-awareness and balance:

  1. Embrace Your Imperfections: In the pursuit of a better self, learn to embrace imperfections. Everyone faces struggles and confusion; it doesn't signify failure but a step in the path of growth.
  2. Build a Support System: Don't shoulder all the pressure and responsibilities alone. Establish a good support system, whether it's family, friends, or even professional mental health experts. Share your feelings, seek their advice, and navigate through challenges together.
  3. Create Your Own Space: In the midst of a busy life, preserving time and space for yourself is crucial. This could be a quiet reading moment, a few minutes of painting, or any activity that brings joy and relaxation.
  4. Focus on the Positive: When dealing with stress and difficulties, try to focus on the positive. Reflect on the progress you've made, set small goals, and slowly stride towards a better future.

Through these suggestions and shared experiences, I hope to provide practical insights for you and other readers, helping you cope better with life's challenges. In this process, don't forget that every step is a move towards a better version of yourself.

Thank you for accompanying me on this journey of growth.

From this moment forward, we embraced a little life.
Seven Twenty -four 0.1

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